In this episode of the iCantCU Podcast, I talk about the upcoming All Blind Football League fantasy draft documentary. Between the accessibility of the forms used for on-boarding, the logistics, and my on-going email security concerns, it has been a little challenging, to say the least.

Blind Fantasy Football Draft IRL In New York

It is going to be great meeting the other players in our blind fantasy league face-to-face and being part of the “talent” for the production. I’ve only really spoken to the commissioner, Brian, and Kisiah on the phone and via email. Everyone else I’ve only communicated through the league message boards.

Video Production Talent

It will be fun to be part of this video production. I haven’t really done anything like this since college in Miami. I’ve always wanted to do video production and now I’ll get a taste of it.

The Actual Fantasy Draft

With all the stress of making sure alll my paperwork is completed, travel arrangements set, and PCR test scheduled, I can’t forget to prepare for the draft. Away from my computer. I’ll be drafting on my phone and using an iPad for research.

Believe You Can! 2021

The Keystone Chapter of the NFB of PA presents Believe You Can! 2021 on October 16. If you’d like to perform at the event, go to and download the Performer Application form. Fill it in and send it back to Lisa Bryant. Tickets are on sale now! Buy a $10 Individual ticket or $25 Watch Party ticket.

White Canes Connect Episode 4

My other audio project, White Canes Connect, has dropped episode 4. Listen to learn more from blind bowlers Mike Patterson and my friend Eugenio D’Olivaira. They talk about the American Blind Bowling Association.


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If you’ve got questions, comments, or show ideas, I want to hear from you! Call (646) 926-6350 and leave a message. Include your name and town and let me know if it is okay to use your voice on an upcoming episode. You can also email the show at