Author: david
My Eye, My Dad and Our Day
I'd been looking forward to today for the past dozen days. Back on 10 Dec, I went to my retina doc, who, as previously mentioned, noticed three things that he thought were causing my vision to be worse than it had been.
Who or What is Kane?
Todays delivery schedule took us into Wilmington with a styling chair and wall-mount workstation. We got a late start since we had quite a few orders to box up.
Latest on My Eyes
For the last several days, I was thinking about what I was going to write for this blog entry. My eyes weren’t going to be part of the post.
I Did It All By Myself
Most, if not all of you, will think this isn't really a big deal. "Normal" people do this all the time. What did I do on my own worth writing about, you ask?
I Want to Go! Wait, Nevermind
It has been nearly a month since I last posted. I've been really busy adding products to, taking an online course for WordPress, working on affiliate marketing sites
An Hour and a Half in Rehab
Okay, that is a pretty dramatic title. It was low vision rehab. Just like Lindsay Lohan, I don't think my rehab will work either.
My iPhone
It was time to upgrade our mobiles, so I'd been looking around to see what is the best option for me. I've felt left out by not being able to text
My Inglourious Sight
For the past four or five days, my vision has sucked more than normal. I don't know why. It's almost like interference on a television screen.
What a Busy Week
So it's been a few weeks since my last update. There were several times this past week I wanted write something, but I just couldn't steal an hour to do it.
It’s Not Cuckoo Bananas, But It’s Not Good Either
It has been a busy week, so I haven't had a chance, until now, to post an update on last Fridays appointment with Dr. Garg, the retina specialist.
Why Do I Bother?
Had a 9.00am appointment yesterday (Friday, 9 July) with my glaucoma doctor at Wills Eye Institute in Philadelphia.
The Blind Leading the Blind
Last week, we invited my parents over for dinner. Eliz was making ribs on the grill, which both of them like, and there was more than plenty for all of us.
Almost Unbelievable…
As you've read here over the past seven weeks, I've been pretty frustrated and miserable. On the way to my my cornea specialist, Eliz and I were talking about what I was planning on discussing with Dr. Ayres.
It’s Been a Few Weeks, Not Much New
I haven’t posted an update for about three weeks. In that time, my vision still sucks and I’m wondering if I made the right choice to have the surgery.
A Frustrating Week
Well, it has been a week of total frustration. Since mid-afternoon last Thursday, my vision has not been good. Every day when I wake up I hope that it will be better, but then I open my eyes.
Play Ball!
For the first time in a very long time, I got a chance to hit in a softball game. I've been looking forward to it since the middle of April, after my surgery.
Wow, I was Wrong!
I say that like it doesn't happen often. Today I had an appointment to see Dr. Garg, the retina specialist I visited several times in January and February.
Visual Fields Test
My appointment with my glaucoma specialist went well, except for the fact that I was back to the 20/200 line and even that wasn't as crisp as a my second PostOp appointment on 27 April
Going the Wrong Way
Since Wednesday or Thursday, I've noticed that my vision didn't seem to be as good as it was earlier in the week. By Friday, after talking with Eliz,
Second Post Op Visit
I was looking forward to my second visit to Dr. Ayres since the surgery on 15 April. The last few days have been trying. I began to notice that my vision was changing.
One Week After Cataract Removal
By this time last Thursday I was sleeping. I guess I still had the pain and sleepy meds running in my system. So I'm getting back to my "normal" routine.
EyeOp XIV Report
I figured that I've gone through enough eye surgeries that I can label them in roman numerals. In fact, if I had some time, I'd probably do this post on video, with cool graphics and theme music like a championship game post game show.
Eight Hours from Now…
It is hard not getting excited about the surgery. I dream of all the good things I may be able to do, while knowing the risks that could dash my hopes either temporarily or longer.
One Week to Go
At some point next Thursday morning, I will be in surgery hopefully only having a cataract removed. There is the chance that I will also receive another corneal endothelial
Lead on, Misty!
We've been dog-sitting this week. I love having a dog around the house again. Misty is a very sweet dog. She is calm and rarely barks,
Trade Show Update
As you can see, I haven't posted in awhile. Eliz and I went to a trade show this past weekend up at the Sheraton Meadowlands.
Surgery No. 14 is Set
Over the past 10 days, I've been to three different doctors. I'm starting to feel like my parents. The most important of the three was two days ago.
This and That
I've been waiting for this week since the end of January because I'm going to see the retina specialist on Friday. I'm hoping he can do a PAM test on me.
Lots of Snow, No Power
It's funny how excited I still get about snow. This winter has been a dream come true. I have always loved going out into the snow.
Seven Years Ago Today
Okay, technically it was seven years ago yesterday since it is past midnight. What happened back then? I had a trabeculectomy on my left eye.
I’ve Lost Over 30 Pounds (without cutting any body parts off!)
Back on 9 Dec 2009, my doctor told me to join Weight Watchers or do some other diet program. I told her that it would not happen.
Small Update on My Vision
I've been on the eye drop Xibrom for about 10 days now, along with an increase in the number of times per day I take Predforte (from 1x per day to 3x per day.)
A Long Day
It has been a long day. It started off with a trip to the retina specialist at 8:30 am. We were a few minutes late, so only had to wait about 10 minutes in the waiting room.
Time to See a Retina Specialist
I received a call from Dr. Pro late this afternoon regarding my OCT scan from Monday. Before the call, Dr. Pro talked with Dr. Ayers to discuss the scan.
Image of My OCT Scan
Just a quick update to add my OCT image. I've added here and to last night's post (so you can compare mine with the normal one posted on
OCT Retina Test
What an adventure today at the Pagoda Building at 100 Presidential Ave. After a few minutes in the waiting area, we were called back.
New Challenges
Our holiday season officially ended yesterday with the celebration of Jake's 16th birthday and my dad's 92nd birthday.
My First Post of the New Year!
Okay, so you knew that title was coming. The last two weeks or so have been a blur (even more so than normal for me.)
My Last Blog Entry for 2009
My family gets pretty annoyed with me at this time of year. They get tired or hearing "This is the last time in 2009 that I..."
A Good Day
I don't often write about good days here, but today was one of those days that I wanted to share with the world. It wasn't exciting, extravagant, or exotic.
What a Day
My day started off with Eliz telling me that we had water in the basement from the all the rain overnight. While it's not too big of a deal, it wasn't the way I wanted to start the day.
One Year Later
So, today marked the first anniversary of my partial cornea transplant (for those that need to know specifics, I had a DSAEK procedure, which is a partial-thickness corneal transplant
Goodbye 44!
No, I'm not looking into the future and the 2012 presidential election. I turned 45 the other day and, quite frankly, I'm hoping for a better year.
Everything Looks Fine…
I've been waiting for this appointment with my cornea specialist for weeks. I have been having problems with my left eye since the middle of summer
Glaucoma Specialist
I had my glaucoma appointment at Wills on Friday. As Eliz and I waited, we looked through some magazines. I'm not sure what they were, but they had recipes and ideas to make family gatherings enjoyable while preparing meals.
Wills Eye Tomorrow
Okay, I'm going to try to keep this short... I'm scheduled to see my glaucoma specialist tomorrow. His name, fittingly, is Dr. Pro, and he is...
Latest Eye Appointment
I went to see Dr. Ruffini yesterday for a checkup. He is my local ophthalmologist that I see a few times per year or when there is a problem.
After I posted the Glaucoma Study entry, Eliz said that I should have talked a bit more about the socks task. At the school where Eliz used to teach and our kids went, they would call this the Socks work.
Glaucoma Study
Over the past year, Eliz and I have taken part in a glaucoma study at Wills Eye in Philadelphia.
Crime Pays
We launched on 15 June 2009, about nine months after I had hoped to launch it. If you've been reading this blog since the beginning, you know why it took so long to get it up and running.
New Images of Water Damage and Mold
As promised, here are a few images of the water damage and mold at 617A Grant Road in the Delcroft Shopping Center, inside Salon Supplies + Interiors.
Misty & Mold
It's been a while since I've posted, so I thought a new post was in order. Over the past few weeks I've had a ton of bitchin' and moanin' to do, but no time to post -- lucky for my reader(s).
My Last Movie in the Theater?
Today, I went to see The Hangover with Jake and his friend Maya. I "had" to go, since both are under 17, but in reality, I wanted to go because everybody I know that has seen that film has enjoyed it.
Car Buying Experience = Life Sucking Event
Lately, it seems as if there is a little, black rain cloud is over me. Nothing terribly catastrophic, just small annoyances to somewhat larger, time-and-money wasting events.
Life is Pain…
We are getting ready to take Jake and his friend Andrew to camp. They are doing iD Tech Camps' Film Academy, which is at McGill University in Montreal.
Almost Eight Months
It's nearly eight months since my surgery (next Saturday, 4 July is eight months.) I had an appointment today with Dr. Ayers.
Every Step is a Leap of Faith
Night before last the whole family went to the Springfield Mall. Wednesdays are our late day and we usually get takeaway, but Jane needed a new bathing suit for a swim party and I wasn't up for takeaway.
Could it be?!?
It has been a couple of weeks since I've last posted. It's not that I haven't needed some bitching & moaning therapy, I've been really busy at the biz.
Thanks Ken!
I wanted to take a moment to thank Ken for all the great changes on the blog. I love all the extra goodies. Now, if I could only write...
I Just Want to Be Like Everyone Else!
Jacob is going to camp in Canada this summer, so we need passports. Eliz and I pick Jacob up from school, then Jane from her school.
Voting & Anthem Institute (formerly Chubb Institute)
Today was primary day in Pennsylvania (uh, yeah, the polls have closed already... You missed it.) Eliz and I went to vote this morning on our way to work at our business, Salon Supplies + Interiors.
Risk vs. Reward
As many of my friends and family know, I love sports. My favorites are baseball, hockey, football, and the real football (you know, the one where a player kicks the ball a majority of the time -- some call it soccer.)
Six Months Later
Okay, so I haven't updated in five months. I've had a bunch of stuff going on. Here it is in a nutshell... We scrambled to find a new space for our business (Salon Supplies + Interiors - www.ForMySalon,)
One Month Later
It is hard to believe that my surgery was a month ago. As I've stated before, I am looking forward to my appointment on Wednesday.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to all! We celebrated the same way we have for the last five or six years: dinner out - this year we went to PF Changs,
We Have Tile on Our Bathroom Floor…
Okay, I hear you grumbling, "We have tile on our bathroom floor too, so..." We've lived in our house since the summer of 1993.
Today I had a huge scare. Ken and I were going to run to Wachovia, Staples, and Home Depot. Eliz gave me our mortgage payment to take to the bank and some envelopes to drop in the mail.
Each day is a little better!
Wow, one week ago I came to the business for 30 minutes. Today, I'm putting in a full day (as I have been doing since Monday...) Every day,
Day 3
Today I begin my third day of recovery from an endothelial transplant in my left (good eye - actually my only eye.) Please forgive any typos as I really can't see what I'm typing.